

Five members, Five voices But ONE Song <3 Always Keep The Faith

東方神起, Tōhōshinki

[❤],l|l|,TVXQ,F.C,»,16,°•,Always,Keep,The,Faith , http://www.An-Dr.com , 

منتديات أنيدرا لإنتاجات الدراما الكورية واليابانية , [❤] l|l| TVXQ F.C » 16 °• Always Keep The Faith
[❤],l|l|,TVXQ,F.C,»,16,°•,Always,Keep,The,Faith , http://www.An-Dr.com , 

منتديات أنيدرا لإنتاجات الدراما الكورية واليابانية , [❤] l|l| TVXQ F.C » 16 °• Always Keep The Faith
[❤],l|l|,TVXQ,F.C,»,16,°•,Always,Keep,The,Faith , http://www.An-Dr.com , 

منتديات أنيدرا لإنتاجات الدراما الكورية واليابانية , [❤] l|l| TVXQ F.C » 16 °• Always Keep The Faith
[❤],l|l|,TVXQ,F.C,»,16,°•,Always,Keep,The,Faith , http://www.An-Dr.com , 

منتديات أنيدرا لإنتاجات الدراما الكورية واليابانية , [❤] l|l| TVXQ F.C » 16 °• Always Keep The Faith
[❤],l|l|,TVXQ,F.C,»,16,°•,Always,Keep,The,Faith , http://www.An-Dr.com , 

منتديات أنيدرا لإنتاجات الدراما الكورية واليابانية , [❤] l|l| TVXQ F.C » 16 °• Always Keep The Faith




Kim Jaejoong 100 Questions & Answers

1.) Name: Kim Jaejoong
2.) Birthdate: January 26
3.) Address: Someplace in Seoul
4.) Blood type: O
5.) Height: 177 cm
6.) Weight: 63 kg
7.) Shoe size: 275 mm
8.) Personality: Bright I guess? (People say I don have a very good first impression.)
9.) Dream: To be a famous and respected singer, and to have my name remember for a while.
10.) Specialties: Singing, Staying awake, walking, thinking, playing and playing the 3.6.9 game.
11.) Hobbies: My specialties are my hobbies
12.) My idol: A person like HK
13.) Celebrities you likes: MILK?s Yumi, Shinhwa?s Junjin, Yoo Youngjin, Hwanhee, Hweesung.
14.) Fav Flower: Lily
15.) I want to go out with this kind of person: Kangta
16.) Fav. Fruit: Bananas and apples
17.) People you don like: Someone who thinks they are all that.
18.) Fav comic book: I like most of the ones I read but my absolute fav is DRAGON BALL!
19.) What I worried about: Secret
20.) Sleeping out: Il let you make up on your own.
21.) Alcohol tolerance: around 4 bottles, but depends how fast I drink them
22.) First love: First year of MS
23.) Someone I respect: parents, Yoo Youngjin, Hwanhee and Hyesung
24.) Sport I good at: Running
25.) Fav song: I have too many
26.) Number of blind dates youe gone on: 3
27.) When I look the best: When I stayed up for a day
28.) Person Ie liked the best out of all the people Ie gone out with: ?hm?
29.) Fav number: 2 and 7
30.) Prized Possession: my parents
31.) Lowest ranking: what do you mean?
32.) Religion: atheist
33.) What I think when looking in the mirror: MOMMY!
34.) Fav color: black and white
35.) Good thing about myself: Im nice, but I think my first impression IS bad.
36.) Bad thing about myself: my first impression is bad.
37.) Drinking habits: I think a lot of myself
39.) On a rainy day I want to go outside and get wet?: No~! I want to sleep
40.) Things I cook well: Im good at cooking in general.
41.) Something I want to do right now: I want to go home and wash up.
42.) Foreign language Im good at: Chinese
43.) Something I want to do with the person I love: Walk near the river holding hands.
44.) A present I want to give the person I love: A piggyback ride near the river.
45.) Things I want: I have too much I want.
46.) If you met a boyfriend from the past: ?boyfriend??
47.) A present I want to receive from the person I love: Love and more love!
48.) Phone greeting: I can type in what I want. I broke it.
49.) Ringtone:
50.) Caller rings: TT0TT!!
51.) If you found 1 million dollars on the road: Il leave a 1000 dollars and pick up the rest to save.
52.) Habits: thinking, laying down.
53.) Sleeping habits: I sleep on my belly.
54.) What I wearing as of now: White beater and jeans.
55.) I want to die when: I don have the nerve in me to kill myself so I think I just go one suffering.
56.) Something I want to do right now: I want to debut!
56.) How many times have you received flowers from a person of the different gender: Do you mean given: is this a quiz for girls?
57.) Where I want surgery: ?what?
58.) My charm: If I get closer to someone, that person can depend on me.
59.) What people think of me: It all different.
60.) Someone I say a lot: Let save!!!
61.) What Im scared of: cockroaches
62.) When I was most hurt: When I had a Jangyum
63.) When I feel the happiest: When I say something nice to my parents
64.) What I do when Im scared: I sing.
65.) When have you given chocolates to someone for valentines day: once in MS.
66.) What I do when Im stressed: I listen to music.
67.) What I like to eat when I drink: Soup and casseroles.
68.) What I do when I mad: I hit things!!!
69.) Things I cant eat: Dog.
70.) Time I get to school: ?.
71.) Something I want to learn: acting.
72.) What I do when there is someone I dont like: Ignore them.
73.) When I was the happiest in my life: When I had my first rehearsal in SM.
74.) What I think of money: It doesn grow on trees.
75.) If the person you love ended up loving someone else: Il let them go because there must be something they don like about me.
76.) Most recent time I cried: ??
77.) Sunshine or Moonlight: Moonlight.
78.) First kiss: 6th year of EM.
79.) If someone I broke up with wanted to get back: Il think about it.
80.) Favorite person of a different race I like: I like Koreans.
81.) My most favorite thing I own: I guess my clothes.
82.) How long I can wait for someone: 3 hours.
83.) When I was most disappointed: too long to write down.
84.) Your monthly allowance: 3 or 4 dollars.
85.) Fav animals: Dogs.
86.) Fav. Season: Spring
87.) Most memorable date: ?.hm?
88.) What I look at when I look at someone of the other gender: Everything.
90.) Nicknames: Boojaejoong.
92.) Love is?: ?like a drug
93.) When I know the person I love has changed: When the things they do change.
94.) What I don like when I going out with someone: ?..
95.) What I like the most about myself: Skin
96.) A wish for this year: I hope everything I do ends up well.
100.) Last thing you want to say: Im done! I can finally go home!!

بحث هذه المدونة الإلكترونية

 , http://www.An-Dr.com , 

منتديات أنيدرا لإنتاجات الدراما الكورية واليابانية ,
 , http://www.An-Dr.com , 

منتديات أنيدرا لإنتاجات الدراما الكورية واليابانية ,

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الشخصياااات ...
ايتاااا وهاروووووو... حسيتهم فانتستك كوبلبس الله يهداه ايتاااا خربهاااا ع النهاية ....

بااااارك .....
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نرجع لمقاطع استوقفني ....

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يالمنحرفه .....مالقيتي غير هالضعيف تبين منه كيسوووووو

ياحقيييييييييييييييييير #%%$&^&%*)@!$#$%^%&^
قعد يشتغل وراسه يخر ماااي

ابصم لكم ع العشره اذا ماكان هالولد معجب في معلمته هاااروو >>>>حلفي بس

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وااااه استانست ع هالمقطع اخيرا سمعت منه كلمه كوريه بعد فتره ماتبراااا من اصله حتى في الدراماااا ...

ahr agtini ضاعت علووومي....

شكله يقطع لب القلب شكليييي بعيش معاناة مع هالدراماااا

see yaaaa

1 التعليقات:

غير معرف يقول...

تعلييقآتك حلوه ..مررره ضحكتيني ..ثااانكس واكيييد هيرو احسسن واحد في الدراما (تابعتها عشانه ) ..^^